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Ten IT Interview Mistakes to Avoid – Part 2

Getting an interview is exciting, but the actual interview itself can be nerve-inducing.  Don’t fret, we’ve compiled a list of 10 avoidable IT interview mistakes help you be prepared and stay cool as a cucumber.  If you missed the first five interview mistakes to avoid you can check those out after you read the last five.

The Last Five Mistakes

  1. Being arrogant: Another extreme some people take into their interview is the mistake of being arrogant about past accomplishments or trying to sound smart. Of course you want to show them your positive attributes and what skills you can bring to the table, but crossing the line of becoming self centered is a mistake you definitively want to avoid. This can represent a lack of working well with others, a possible pride issue, as well as a desire to always be right and dominate situations. Highlight your strengths in a positive way and show them your willing to be apart of the team, not try to separate yourself from the group.
  2. Being too quiet: Companies want their IT professionals to be able to speak up and offer solutions, be creative, and show initiative.  Fully answer the interviewers questions, make eye contact throughout the interview, sit/stand up tall, and be proactive!  Allow the interviewer to lead the conversation, naturally you will be more talkative about things you are most confident in, so key in on those things in your answers.
  3. Being dishonest about your qualifications: All too often people “beef” up their resume to seem more qualified.  Your employer is trusting that what you say is what you’ve actually done, and eventually, you’re going to have to live up to your word. Instead of padding your resume, be honest and express your willingness to learn and grow into related areas of the experience you do posess. They will respect you more for your honesty and will avoid future tension, embarrassment, and loss of respect.
  4. Filling your answers full of Jargon: This is a tough one depending on the person you are interviewing with.  If the person is a general HR representative, your use of IT jargon will fall on deaf ears, however, if you are being interviewed by a member of IT management, you should mirror the language used by that interviewer.  He or she will have a good working knowledge of most IT jargon, however, it is always easier to use plain language.
  5. Not being appreciative: How you say goodbye is just as important as how you say hello! You don’t want to have a great interview and then leave on a bad note. The Thank you at the end of the interview process or a thank you note is an opportunity to win bonus points and separate you from the competition. Sometimes a follow up email could be appropriate depending on the situation and the company. At the end of the day, how you leave an interview can add the points you need in order to put you into the hiring category and land the job!

Use these tips to help you be prepared and ready to land the job you’ve been looking for.  Have you made any of these last five interview mistakes to avoid? How have these tips worked for you in your interview? Did you feel better prepared? What are some suggestions that have worked for you?

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