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Recruiting in the style of Speed Dating

Last Wednesday the Nashville office went to the Middle Tennessee State University Marketing and Sales Career Fair. By all accounts it was eerily similar to speed dating. (We won’t ask how the Nashville office knows what speed dating is like.) The event was an “Employment Opportunities Exchange” which allowed us to meet a large number of students in a short amount of time.

We were placed into groups for “speed networking” and were given 15 minutes with a group of 5-6 students at one time. Then the groups spent time networking and talking about the available positions and the interests of our students. The Nashville office was armed with our attract/repel model of hiring and of course this style of networking was great for us. We didn’t have to spend 30 minutes talking with a student if both of us weren’t interested after our initial explanation of how things work at IDR.

Here is a video from Michigan State University that is close to the experience at MTSU:

Would you ever consider attending a career fair like this?

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