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Kick Start Your Job Search

In the market for a new job? Make sure to do these things before beginning your job search:

  1. Update Your Resumé. This may seem obvious. But while going back over your resumé you could be surprised to realize the things that have changed since the last time you revised it. It is good practice to go though it frequently.
  2. Craft Your Elevator Pitch. Can you describe yourself, your skills, your objectives in about a minute? If not, you need to work on developing a soundbite for when the opportunity arises. Keep it fresh and concise– you never know when you’ll need it.
  3. Learn New Work Related Skills. In between jobs? Make the most of your time off. Make a short list of skills that would be useful and relevant in your field and start learning one. Then repeat step one. Applicable skills are highly desired by potential employers. Don’t just be able to tell them what you studied, but what you know you can actually do.


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