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Find, Use, & Hone Your Team’s Unique Skills

What if you had the talent you needed for that open position right within your own team? What if the hire you make today is a good fit for the open position you’ll have in 6 months, a year, or even 2 years down the road?

When you hire top talent and invest in their development, you’re not just solving today’s staffing challenges, you’re solving future staffing challenges before they ever happen. 

The Importance of Talent Development

Once someone is hired, their journey isn’t over, it’s just beginning. As an employer, this is when you work hard to keep them and help them improve while they’re here. 

Enhancing employee skills is how you can invest in the talent on your team in a way that pays off in multiple ways: Both now AND later in organizational success, customer satisfaction, efficiency, and ultimately, productivity and profitability. It’s also a powerful tool to improve employee engagement and retention. 

How To Identify Unique Skills Within Your Team

It’s the role of managers and team leaders to recognize the talent within. You can do this project by project or with various assessment tools. You can also create opportunities for them to show off their skills and present a new side of their abilities. Challenges, tests, gamified tasks, puzzles, special projects, and client requests all offer a unique opportunity to showcase hidden talents. Another way could be asking an employee with a unique skill to help with something outside the norm of their seat.

Build A Culture That Supports Skill Development

If your team members want to attend a training session and are able to do so, the answer should always be yes. They’ve shown initiative to ask and are interested in making themselves a better employee. This benefits everyone involved. 

But don’t let that stop you from finding and presenting other opportunities to them that they may not have otherwise known about or didn’t feel justified asking for. Offer opportunities within your company for them to create a project that highlights unique skills or talents. 

It Starts With Hiring Innovative, Imaginative Talent

That’s what we do! We’d love to help you find those hidden gems in the talent pool that are a good fit for your company now and where you’re going next. Reach out to our team HERE, and let’s get started ASAP. 

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