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3 Innovative Ways to Source IT Talent Online

Recruiting top tech talent is a competitive task. While LinkedIn serves a wide range of purposes, the application process is substandard and doesn’t provide enough of the information you need. LinkedIn profiles can range from highly curated to “has not been touched since 2010.” Stepping outside of LinkedIn to identify creative sourcing for top talent in technology is not only attainable but may be easier than you think.

Here are 3 innovative ways to source top IT talent online:

Host or Sponsor A Hackathon Or Code Sprint

Hosting or sponsoring a hackathon attracts a certain kind of tech talent that is not typically found at a career fair: they’re driven, they’re hungry, and they want to win. These characteristics can be assets for your internal teams in increasing motivation and productivity and are easily identifiable when hosting these types of events 

Top players such as Amazon, ESPN, and Meta offer candidates an opportunity to broadcast their skills while creating something valuable in the process. 

Online Communities and Forums

People talk, and they definitely talk online. Some of the places they communicate and share ideas are within online communities and forums like Reddit, Discord, Facebook, etc. While it may be time-consuming to wade through this content, you may find your IT unicorn hidden in the comment sections, adding value and providing skillful insights. 

Work With A Reputable Staffing Firm

Working with an established and trustworthy partner like IDR that is experienced in finding and attracting top talent removes the stress and headache from the recruiting process. You simply get to do the best part of selecting from a curated selection of highly skilled candidates eager to bring their A-game. 

If You Want To Hire The BEST, Choose IDR

With a trophy case full of service awards behind us, we’d love to harness our out-of-the-box solutions to help you find your next perfect-fit hire. Let’s talk! 

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